I recently watched the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam. This is the first and best in a long line of Gundam series. Re-watching the episode made me remember why I became enamored with anime. The series seemed to awaken me to the possibilities of this medium of entertainment. It showed me the great depths of emotion and story that can be portrayed in an animated show.
Mobile Suit Gundam though about entertainment was much more than that, the series showed the terrible way in which human beings can treat each other, and the utter turmoil, and deep sadness that human conflict can create.
Mobile suit gundam will forever in my opinion be one of the greatest anime series.
Throughout the last month I have constantly been evolving my blog to be more appealing, and to have material worth viewing. I have added a navigation bar, a games link, a more detailed 'about me' section, and I have added another link to the navigation bar called 'ustream'. This page allows visitors to my blog to view any live streams I may have. I have had few of these but when I have them viewers of my blog will be able to easily see the stream, and to chat with each other or to me.
I hope to continually improve upon the blog, if anyone has any suggestions do not hesitate to contact me via my 'contact me' link in the navigation bar.
eRepublik is an online experience with companies you can found and work for, countries, wars, political offices, and all sorts of other things. Follow the link above, and when you reach level 6, you will get 5 gold, which is a lot of money in country currency. If you join via my link I will be sure to interact with you and help you as much as possible ( as I have just started playing myself). I hope you follow the link and try out this great game.
Have you ever wanted directions to a location or the weather when you were away from a computer, and google access? For those who have a cell-phone, text google with your inquiries. You can, for example, find definitions, weather for a specific zip code, sports scores, and even snippets of a web site, all through texting google. The best part, is that there is no charge, except for standard text messaging rates. Even for those of us with the ability to go on the internet, texting google is a lot faster, and easier than opening a web browser on your phone, and navigating to google. To text google, you simply store Google in your contacts, the number is (466453). You then simply text google as you would any other contact with your inquiry.
Though I have found little use for MySpace lately, with Facebook proving what MySpace used to for me (social networking), I have found a new use for MySpace, Karaoke. Above is a karaoke attempt by myself. The selection of Karaoke songs is plentiful with many Jazz/Standards,Pop, Rock, R&B, Wacky, etc. If you have a MySpace account and were planning on deleting it, hold off until you've tried MySpace Karaoke. To use Myspace Karaoke, sign in to your account, on the Myspace navigation bar, click More, (next to video), and click karaoke. You will have to download a karaoke upload manager. After this you will be able to record your karaoke attempts and allow others to view them. Although Myspace Karaoke is free there is also a paid version with extra features, such as the ability to change the key of the song you are singing, add effects and save an unlimited amount of recordings (with the free version you can only save 10 recordings). MySpace Karaoke provides great fun, and is worth checking out though, with the free version you are limited to I believe 100 plays (or recordings) per month. Another free karaoke site I would recommend is here. Although this site is harder to navigate, and is a lower quality option, you are able to change keys of songs for free, as opposed to the requirement of having a paid account on Myspace Karaoke in order to be able to change keys. The lower quality of redkaraoke.com lies in its use of midi quality .kar files which users are able to upload to their favorite songs, as opposed to Myspace Karaoke's use of the original tracks with the solo track removed. Both of these sites will provide enjoyment, and I hope my review has been unbiased.
I just finished watching the Michael Jackson memorial. The memorial brought to light the amazing talent that in recent years has been overshadowed by controversy. The music of Michael Jackson is ageless, and will live on forever. Such hits as Billie Jean (1983),
and of course Thriller (1982),
and in such hits as I Want You Back (1969), and The Love You Save (1970), with the Jackson 5 and one of my favorites Ben (1972).
Jackson's influence on the world goes much further than in his ability to entertain, however. He has also influenced the world through his charity, while having set numerous world records, including first black artist to record a video on MTV, Biggest selling video and more he also has a record for the most charities supported by a pop star. Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie's We Are The World (1985),
is an example of one of Jackson's charitable efforts. This song, which included the voices of 45 popular musicians of the time helped famine relief efforts in Ethiopia at the time. Michael Jackson was a great entertainer and generous man who wished to have a positive influence on his world. His efforts were not in vain as his music is a unifying element all over the world. Michael Jackson will be sorely missed by many people, and will live on forever in the hearts of his countless fans.
I have recently watched the movie Fanboys on DVD. This movie is set in 1998, and is about the meeting of a group of Star Wars fans who's lives have diverged slightly as they have grown up. In the movie the group plans a raid on Skywalker ranch to steal a copy of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace(1999). The movie contains a plethora of Star Wars references and many big-name guest stars. This movie is wonderful, and I would highly encourage anyone who enjoys Star Trek, or just a great movie to watch this film.